Honeycomb Dental Clinic

Treating dental pain


Emergency Dentistry

If you are a registered patient with the Clinic and experience pain or discomfort during the day please contact the Clinic on 01934 842573 and we will try to see you as soon as possible. 

Please note that if we are fully booked we will still invite you to come in on a ‘sit-and-wait’ basis. We will guarantee we can see you on the day but will not be able to guarantee how long you may be waiting.  You may also be seen by a dentist other than your usual dentist: our priority is to help you out of pain.

You may need urgent treatment if you have:

  • severe toothache or facial pain which is not controlled by taking over-the-counter painkillers

  • trauma of the face, mouth or teeth after a recent accident or injury

  • a permanent tooth being knocked out

  • bleeding after tooth extraction that you cannot control

  • rapidly increasing swelling of the mouth, throat, face or eye 

Emergency dentistry

Out of Hours

If you do experience one of the above outside of our practice hours and need to be seen urgently:

Denplan Patients - 0800 844 999  - Service available 24h

Private Patients - 03301 759995 - Service available 24h

NHS Patients - NHS 111 - Service available 24h

A Knocked-out Tooth

If an adult tooth is knocked out, try putting it back in place and go straight to a dentist. Don't try to re-insert a baby tooth – take your child to see a dentist immediately.

You should:

  • find the tooth

  • hold it by the crown (the white bit that sticks out of the gum)

  • lick the tooth clean if it's dirty, or rinse it in water

  • put it back into position (adult teeth only); never try to re-insert a baby tooth

  • bite on a handkerchief to hold the tooth in place

  • go to see a dentist as an emergency

If you can't put an adult tooth back into position, place it in milk and contact your usual dental practice. You may be able to see a dentist straight away or you may be directed to an urgent care dental service.

If the tooth is just chipped, you should make an appointment to see a dentist to fill the tooth or smooth it down. This isn't an emergency and can wait until the dental surgery is open.