We like to do our helping bit
"We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give."
Winston Churchill
We are proud sponsors of the Winscombe Football Club under 11s: The Winscombe Warriors.
Ours and their Contribution
Our payment card provider was carefully selected by us. With every transaction a contribution is made (by the provider) to Bridge2Aid, an NGO that provides dental care, education and training in developing countries. We have donated Bridge2Aid several items of unused equipment (worth approx. £1,000) to have a ‘new useful life’ within their aid countries.
Your Contribution
Help us with this cause…
When you fill out our own patient’s satisfaction survey, we will introduce a cork chip in a ballot box. At the end of each financial year, the pot gets split by these three charities.
The Grand Appeal, Bristol Children’s Hospital charity
In partnership with Aardman Animations who generously allow the charity to use the multi-Academy Award® winning characters Wallace & Gromit to spearhead our work, The Grand Appeal fundraises for life-saving equipment and ground-breaking medical facilities as well as providing accommodation, and support for sick children and their families in Bristol Children’s Hospital.
MMF specifically focuses on the research and conservation of threatened marine megafauna species. ‘Marine Megafauna’ are large marine species such as sharks, rays, marine mammals and turtles. These animals are key components of marine ecosystems but, as they are long-lived and have low reproductive rates, their populations are usually the first to be reduced by human pressures. Fortunately, they are also amongst the most charismatic animals on the planet and engender a high degree of public interest in their biology and conservation, making them useful ambassadors for the whole marine environment.
Sustainable beekeeping, determined by the essential needs of the Bee
We aim to be a key contributor in developing a new direction in apiculture, bringing together the essential wildness of the bee with the culture of man: apiculture. Rather than exploiting the bee for one-sided commercial gain, we need urgently to recreate a deep respect and cooperation both with the bees and all of nature for our mutual benefit
Our Annual Gifts
The National Trust
We’re a charity founded in 1895 by three people who saw the importance of our nation’s heritage and open spaces and wanted to preserve them for everyone to enjoy. More than 120 years later, these values are still at the heart of everything we do. We look after special places throughout England, Wales and Northern Ireland forever, for everyone.
Marine Conservation Society
The UK charity that cares for our seas, shores and wildlife. The Marine Conservation Society (MCS) is the voice for everyone who loves the sea. We work to secure a future for our living seas, and to save our threatened marine wildlife before it is lost forever.
The Bee Cause
Friends of the Earth
Join the generation that saves our bees.
We have also donated to...
EAL is an innovative hybrid nonprofit organization that merges the worlds of intelligence, investigations and conservation in service of wildlife and the people who protect it. We research the modus operandi of the organizations behind wildlife crime and we target the individuals and organizations that are profiting from poaching and trafficking
Using innovative conservation strategies and collaborating closely with local communities, partner NGOs, national parks, and government agencies, Big Life seeks to protect and sustain East Africa’s wildlife and wild lands, including one of the greatest populations of elephants left in East Africa.